Love vs. Power: Earthly vs. Spiritual
What we call “love” on the earthly level is not love at all. “Love” on the earthly level is about getting something for ourselves - approval, security, attention, understanding, sex, affection. Love on the spiritual level is about giving something to ourselves and others - caring, compassion, understanding, attention, affection. Love on the earthly level is about getting our emptiness filled by things, activities, substances and people. Love on the spiritual level is about learning to fill ourselves internally through connecting with our own essence and with God, receiving the energy of love and compassion from God and sharing it others.
Power on the earthly level is about controlling events and people; power on the spiritual level is about personal empowerment - power within. It includes the power to receive love and wisdom from Spirit, realize our creative potential and manifest our dreams. Spiritual power is the power to remain loving and compassionate in the face of fear.
Our beliefs about God are often at the root of our choice to operate primarily from an earthly perspective or a spiritual perspective.
It is essential to understand that the Creator gave all souls free will. This means that you get to decide your own purpose in life, your deepest desires, your way of being. You decide whether you are going to be loving or unloving, responsible for your own feelings and behavior or put the blame on others. You decide if you are going to be open to learning about your pain or avoid it with your various anesthetics - your addictions. You decide if your deepest motivation is to love yourself and others or to maintain “safety” by protecting yourself against loneliness, rejection and failure.
When your deepest desire is to be safe rather than loving, you close your heart to avoid feeling your pain. When you close your heart, you cannot feel God - God can only enter through an open heart. Free will means that God has chosen to relinquish power over your will. Even God cannot control your intent - that is, your deepest desire in any given moment.
God is an omnipotent energy that you can open to and invite into your heart, but God cannot enter your heart unbidden. Once you shift your intent and ask God to help heal your wounds and teach you to be loving to yourself and others, then the Spirit of love, compassion and wisdom that is God will always be there for you. But it is you who must decide to open or close your heart. No force outside of yourself can open your heart to God. When our hearts are closed to ourselves, we are also closed to the suffering of others.
You may believe there is nothing you can ever do that will please God. You may believe that God sees you as inherently flawed, “born into sin,” and there is nothing you can do to change this. You might believe that no matter how hard you try, in the end you will be punished for sin: God will never forgive you for being human. But if you are “created in the image of God,” meaning that you have the same love within you that is God, then it is not possible for you to be inherently flawed. That would mean you were created imperfect; God doesn’t do substandard work. Nor is God unforgiving. Unconditional love is, by definition, forgiving.
When we do believe in God but feel ourselves unlovable and unworthy, we may believe that we can be instruments of God’s love for others but not for ourselves. You may conclude that God has chosen certain people who deserve to be blessed, while ignoring others, who do not deserve it. This conclusion, as with many of the other false beliefs about God, comes from seeing God as an unloving, judgmental, vengeful person rather than as an unconditionally loving Spirit or Supreme Being. People have favorite people. God doesn’t. People think some people are more deserving than others. God doesn’t.
When you believe that God is a person or that God is demanding, controlling and judgmental, then you may believe that God put you here as a punishment (because you are inherently bad) or because God doesn’t love you. This false belief relieves you of the responsibility of choosing to heal, of evolving your soul. When you remember that you came here to evolve in lovingness, then you will understand that being alive is truly a sacred opportunity, a sacred privilege.