Abundance -- Infinite Possibilities
By Theresa Crabtree
Scientists are beginning to discover what indigenous elders have known since antiquity. In the "ethers," there are tiny particles of no-thing-ness that at any moment can be activated and manifested into any-thing your heart desires! Once you have a true grasp that all literally is One, then you will better understand how to use this Oneness to create heaven on earth.
Due to the nature of "free will," many things labeled as "negative" have been allowed to happen from the beginning of the universe, for all is a grand experiment. Could there truly be "free will" if you are not allowed to experience the "bad" as well as the "good?" Like children, you learn that if you touch fire, you get burnt. After you have that understanding, you may then choose to not touch the fire again. However, when you have fuller understanding of the workings of the universe, you will learn that you can walk on fire and not get burnt! This is true for all things.
There is never only one solution to a problem; there are myriads of possibilities. However, when you are close-minded or lack the courage to think "out of the box," you limit yourself. Pay closer attention to the people and events that occur in your life. Watch for coincidences and synchronicities, especially after you have made a fervent request for something to occur.
Have the courage to take the steps to reach your highest goals. Take into account what is in your highest good and the good for all. You have experienced many "bad" things and are deserving of far more than you may currently allow yourself.
When you gain the ability to live the life of your dreams and say "no" to the things that take up your time, energy and money, you will have more time and resources available for recreation, art, music and all those things you love.
Spend quiet time each day reflecting on your life and practice those skills that bring a sense of peace and joy to you. Know that you may experience moments of unrest as you begin to realize that you are fully responsible for the current situations in your life. What joy you will experience as you release the fears and habits that have kept you captive for so long!
Learn to release the angst you feel toward others and come to the understanding that each of you is doing the best you can in every moment. In this new beginning, you will start with the knowledge of the full abundance available to you in all aspects of your life. Your passion will surpass anything you have thus far experienced on earth as each of you works together to support and encourage one another.