Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Fresh Start

fresh start Pictures, Images and Photos

A Fresh Start

Daily Word
~Unknown Author

I enter the new year with the understanding that I am making a fresh start. I begin by discarding thoughts, attitudes, and habits that are not compatible with an excellent life. I let go of whatever caused past discouragement, disappointment, or disagreement. I know that seemingly negative outcomes are desires or goals that are yet to be fulfilled. I am open and receptive to new ideas, activities and relationships.

Each day, I can follow a fresh plan of fulfillment. I act on divine ideas that I receive in moments of prayer and inspiration. These ideas flow through wholesome, positive thoughts. As I use creative thinking to build upon divine ideas, my activities become more dynamic and my abilities are enhanced. Therefore, I enter this new year with optimism, joy and enthusiasm.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Chocolate Wisdom

The Creative Impulses of the Soul

The Creative Impulses of the Soul
by Julie Redstone

As light increases on the Earth, the creative impulses of the soul become stronger and the desire to express what is most true and most deeply held begins to feel more urgent. Being aware of these deepening motivations allows a choice to be made. One can stay with the more tightly bound habits of the past, or one can embrace the expansion and motivation to expand and be willing to risk moving into a new and unforeseen future.

No matter which choice is made, the pressure to integrate more fully with one's own soul identity is part of the time we are in. It is not an individual phenomenon but a planetary one. Despite the changes that this is bringing and will bring to relationships everywhere, it will also allow life individually and collectively to become more truthful, more caring, and more real.


2010, A Powerful New Year


by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

It is hard to believe that we have already completed the first decade of the New Millennium. I do not think anyone can dispute the fact that time is being accelerated. The unprecedented awakening Humanity experienced during the first decade of the 21st century was miraculous, but it will not hold a candle to the shift of consciousness that will take place during the second decade. This shift of consciousness will result in the unification of millions of Lightworkers, whose dedicated service to Humanity and the Light will change the course of history. From outer appearances this statement may seem too good to be true, but actually, it does not begin to adequately describe the wonders that are in store for Humanity and all Life on this planet. These monumental changes will begin in 2010, and they will unfold day by day until the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are physically manifest. If you have any doubt about that please meditate on the following Truth: “The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and WE are that Light!”

Since the dawn of the New Millennium, Lightworkers around the world have been invoking Divine Intervention to assist with Humanity’s awakening and Earth’s Ascension into the 5th Dimension. For the past ten years the Earth has been going through an intensified cleansing process, that has pushed everything that conflicts with Heaven on Earth to the surface to be healed. This process is not complete yet, but enough of Humanity’s human miscreations have been cleared to begin the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This is the next phase of the unfolding Divine Plan, which will be birthed with the New Year, 2010.

There are several celestial events that coincide with the birth of 2010. This is not by chance. Through the unified efforts of Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven, this powerful New Year is being catapulted into the highest frequencies of vibration that Cosmic Law will allow. 2009, was an eleven (11) year. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. These energies have been preparing every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth for the shifts that will take place in 2010.

On December 12, 2009, 12:12, our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout the Universe expanded the portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. Through this expanded portal, the Earth and all her Life are being bathed with higher transformational energies than we have ever experienced. These frequencies of Divine Love will build in momentum daily and hourly until December 12, 2010. During this 12-month cycle, Humanity will have an unparalleled opportunity to release any of the behavior patterns that are preventing us from tangibly manifesting the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This is a merciful gift of Divine Grace. It is a time for us to focus on our Divine Intentions.

On December 16, 2009, the portal of Transfiguring Divine Love was intensified through a very powerful New Moon. This enhanced the influx of Light that bathed the Earth during the Solstice, December 21, 2009. On December 31, 2009, we will experience a BLUE MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE. The Beings of Light have revealed that this is going to be the most significant New Year we have experienced since our fall from Grace millions of years ago. This is a vitally important time for all of us to empower what we want to cocreate in our individual lives and on this planet. Not only will our hopes, dreams, visions, and Divine Intentions be expanded a thousand times a thousandfold by the Company of Heaven, they will be exponentially expanded by the tremendous influx of Light we will experience on that sacred day.

These gifts of Divine Intervention will expand in power and might until January 14, 2010. On that day, we will experience an incredibly powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse. During the Solar Eclipse, the patterns of perfection we have empowered will be permanently sealed in the highest frequencies of vibration possible. From that moment forth, they will build in momentum daily and hourly. When our visions reach a critical mass, an unstoppable shift will occur that will bring our cocreations into manifestation.

It is important for all of us to go within our hearts to see what our I AM Presence is guiding us to empower in our individual lives. We can also join together to invoke the Light on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this planet. The Company of Heaven has given us wonderful and very powerful tools to help us reprogram ourselves. I would like to share one of them with you now. This exercise will help us to release the fragmented and fear-based thoughtforms from our lower human egos. It will help us to give our I AM Presences, full dominion of our lives.


The 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame allow us to easily download programs or patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of our Father-Mother God that we would like to manifest in our lives. We begin with an invocation, then we decide what programs we want to download and ask our I AM Presence to assist us. The downloading occurs instantly and automatically, very similar to the way the process occurs when we put a disc with a new program into our computer.

After the program is downloaded, our I AM Presence uses the technology of the Violet Flame to scan all of our records, memories, belief systems, fears, blocks, etc., from all time frames and dimensions both known and unknown. Any thought, word, action, or feeling that we have ever expressed in any lifetime that conflicts with the new program is identified, transmuted, and deleted.

We also have the ability to download programs for our families, our friends, and all Humanity. All we have to do is invoke their I AM Presence and ask that the program be downloaded according to their Divine Plan.

For our collective purposes here, the Beings of Light have grouped the programs we are going to download together according to subject matter. We are also going to invoke our families, friends, and the entire Family of Humanity.

The first step involves invoking our Father-Mother God, our I AM Presence, and the I AM Presence of all Humanity:


Through the Presence of God, I AM, I Invoke:

My Father-Mother God, My I AM Presence, the I AM Presences of ALL Humanity, and the entire Company of Heaven.

I invoke the full-gathered momentum of the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame.

I ask the I AM Presence of each member of my family, my friends, and the entire Family of Humanity to downloaded these programs for each person according to his or her highest good and their individual Divine Plans: And I begin...

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom, and the God-Supply of ALL good things. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, and Slim, Firm, Flawless Form. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Perfect Health Habits including Eating and Drinking Habits, Exercise Habits, Work Habits, Relaxation and Recreation Habits, Spiritual Devotion, Meditation, and Contemplation Habits. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration, Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the Family of Humanity. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Reverence for ALL Life. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment, Divine Consciousness, and Divine Perception. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the Perception and Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Inspired Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance, Movement, Art, and Education. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Laughter, Joy, Playfulness, Fun, Self-expression, Elation, Enthusiasm, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the physical manifestation of Heaven on Earth. (pause)

The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

I now ACCEPT and KNOW through every fiber of my Being that these programs from the Causal Body of God have been successfully downloaded. I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my I AM Presence will update these programs every single day and continually delete anything in my Being that conflicts with these programs.

In deep Humility, Divine Love and Gratitude I Decree,
It is done. And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to Heal the Holiday Blues

How to Heal the Holiday Blues
Best Top 10 Tips for Turning the Blues Around!
~Bernadette Dimitrov

There is a flip side to the much advertised holiday joy, optimism, hope, generosity, peace on earth and good will to all. For some there is a dark side present known as the holiday blues. It can be filled with self criticism, loneliness, self doubt, stress and pessimism.

The images of happy couples and happy families all having the perfect holiday may be a trigger for a spiraling down-hill road of self judgment and emotional pain. These constant images and reminders of happiness can be painful and unsettling or even intense emotional triggers to others. The solution is to recognize your triggers, find ways to respond to these triggers so you can turn them into a positive and have realistic expectations and attainable goals for the festive season. However, it is best to consult a doctor when the feelings of the “blues” linger on for more than a couple of weeks. In which case it may be depression. Left untreated, depression can become a serious and life-threatening disorder.

A number of factors can contribute to the "holiday blues," including stress, fatigue, troubled family relationships, loss of a loved one, lack of sunlight, images in the media, unrealistic expectations and financial constraints. These factors may lead to feelings of sadness, loneliness, stress, anger or tension. There may be changes in sleep patterns, a lack of energy, headaches, agitation, anxiety, diminished interest in favorite activities, or excessive drinking, eating and feelings of guilt. While others may not feel as fulfilled as one would wish, others get stuck in the blame game, comparing themselves with others and indulging in a pity party “They all look so happy and prosperous why can’t I be, what’s wrong with me?”

Emotional pain is part of being human and we want to be aware of and feel our emotions. Learn from them and let them go. Experts tell us that depression is often frozen anger or grief. You may want to be aware of the symptoms of “depression” and know when you need to get medical help. You can do an on-line self-help test to see where you are. There are several quizzes - Self Assessment Quiz at and the Wakefield Questionnaire available at Journey of the Hearts online healing place. This site is helps those visiting to assess their level of depression.

Here are some coping strategies for dealing with the blues. Remember to make up your own list that you can have on hand and ready to refer to whenever you recognize the feelings of the “Blues” surfacing. Do something on your list and if it doesn’t work try another on the list. If you get to the stage where nothing seems to be helping it’s time to consider an assessment for depression.

1. Choose to surround yourself with supportive and positive people and limit as much as possible your time with negative family, friends or colleagues. If this is difficult choose to change the subject to one that is positive. They will soon get the message or back off. Remember misery loves misery!

2. Give. Yes go give your time and help at a charity or nursing home. It’s amazing how much better you can feel when you give of yourself and help others who are less fortunate than yourself. This is also a wonderful way to rekindle the true spirit of Christmas with the act of selfless giving.

3. If feeling lonely, look at ways to make new friends – join a new club, organization, sports group or self help group or group of interest eg. Knitting, book reading, bicycling, bush walking. Do something you haven’t before. Extend yourself to make new friends. But find something that you have an interest in.

4. Set healthy limits when socializing or attending work or family functions. Make a deal with yourself, for example, to have one small slice of cake and one alcoholic drink and avoid the rounds of nibbles. Give yourself strategies you can put into place when out so you don’t offend your host and don’t overindulge so you feel fatigued and heavy.

5. Set realistic goals and expectations for the holidays. You don’t have to say yes to every invitation. You don’t have to have all your friends over for dinners and parties. Set up a budget and plan ahead with a to do list for each month leading up to the holidays so you wont be overwhelmed when they arrive. Think about and write a list of gifts that don’t involve money such as time, support and sharing of memories such as visiting a relative, sharing photos and memories, reading an inspirational Christmas story with your family each night.

6. Try a new practice to overcome harsh self criticism. Sit, close your eyes and think about a part of you that you find hard to accept or find yourself criticizing. Think of someone that you admire or respect. Visualize them fully accepting you just the way you are, forgiving you for not accepting yourself and telling you you are ok. Then think about the gift in this learning. Ask yourself how it can make you into a better person by accepting and loving this part of you. What is it wanting to teach you about life – look for the positive – it will heal you and make you stronger.

7. Learn how to meditate it can be a good way to get in touch with feelings and a way to release stress in the body and mind. You can start now even by closing your eyes and deeply breathing for 5 -10 minutes each day and watching your thoughts and allowing them to drift off.

8. Find joys to uplift you. Write out a list of things that you remember to be pleasurable. For example it could simply be making a hot chocolate and sipping it as you, take time out and watch the birds in a tree for 5 minutes. It may be watching a funny movie, playing a piece of uplifting music or reading a chapter from a favorite inspirational book.

9. Take up some form of exercise. Experts now tell us that some form of movement 30 minutes four to five times a week can be an effective anti-depressant. Try yoga, an exercise class at a gym, join a walking club or just commit to turn off the TV and go for a vigorous walk each night. Try different types of exercise until you find one your like then commit to it each week. Not only will you feel better emotionally but you will be physically healthier too.

10. Practice gratitude. Value your life, your experiences and the people around you. When you walk remember all that you have to be grateful for and remember to be grateful for the time you have had with loved ones you may have lost this year.

So don't despair, there is help and strategies. Remember if you feel stuck get professional help. There is no need to be feeling alone there is an array of help for you. Google depression, self help or
speak to your local doctor, social worker or counselor who
can give a guiding hand.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Everything is Spiritual

Everything is Spiritual
~Unknown Author

If we could understand that everything is spiritual, life makes more sense. Everything is a reflection of Spirit.

Some people hold a higher vibration of Spirit or “God's” Light and some hold less. The bigger the ego, the less one can hold a higher vibration of God's Light or Spirit. The less one can hold God's Light, the lower will be his intentions.

Lower intentions vibrate on the level of fear. Fear makes it impossible to see, think, act, feel, know or hear anything but fear. Love will not make sense.

Love is a very high, fast moving energetic vibration. It is a bright Light. When you see that halo over the head of Jesus, you are looking at a depiction of that Light. We are energetic beings vibrating at the level of our own thought forms. Our thoughts regulate our vibrational frequency.

The higher the vibration around and within a human being; the higher their choices. It is automatic. It is a law of physics. Love is a frequency. So is fear.

Our thoughts create our frequency. Our thoughts create our mentality. Our thoughts govern our view and create our experience of 'reality'. Negative or positive. Fear or Love.

What's happening on this planet right now and with her people is a shift in frequency. It is All Spiritual.

As people say no to fear, they begin to wake up. They shift their energetic frequency. It is not an easy process. It can even be painful physically as their mind, brain and body let go of old patterns. It's like having your hand in a fist for a long time and when you begin to open it, it hurts as the circulation comes back. Fear holds us tight. It cuts off the circulation of higher frequencies from Spirit. It cuts off Love. Fear is a slow, thick, dense, oozy energy. It cuts off higher thought and clear thinking. It cuts off the ability to see options. It cuts off the ability to see, speak and hear Truth.

Because it can be painful, most people choose to avoid the process. They choose to stay asleep. They choose to stagnate. They choose to do the same things over and over because it feels easier. They may try to wake up but the minute a little pain comes as they try and stretch, they go right back to sleep.

Choosing Love, choosing to wake up, is not easy. It contradicts what the world calls 'normal'. It takes courage. Love does not exist without courage. Love demands that you be willing to be wrong. Growth can only come when you can be humble. "Enter the Kingdom as a little child".

The Kingdom is within you. It is where you live from. It is your mentality. It governs everything you do, think, see, hear, feel and know. It allows you to see above and around what your physical world tells you. It allows you to know truth because you're walking in truth. You are walking in Love.

This doesn't mean that you like what you see. This doesn't mean that you don't get angry. This doesn't mean that you are perfect.

When you walk as a Light-worker, you ask, always:

What are we trying to learn from this?

What am I trying to learn?

Seek to understand rather than judge. Everything serves as our teacher. Everything is Spiritual.

Every thing and every person is on an evolutionary path; all vibrating at different rates, all working towards harmonizing, all working towards vibrating to the Universal tone of Love.
The world is reflecting those areas within each one of us that we are still holding in fear. It is our job to go within and find those places and bring them to Light. As each one does this, we add a little more Light. We raise the vibration a little more, one by one.

Like energy attracts Like energy. This is a Universal Law. It is a law of physics. It is a law of magnetism. We are electromagnetic beings. Our thoughts are electromagnetic and attract like energy.

You are responsible for your thoughts and what you are sending out. Are you adding to the problem or making it better? Are you polluting your environment with your thoughts or are you helping to clean it up? Are you having good thoughts of your brothers and sisters, or are your thoughts binding them with dense energy due to lack of purity and love being projected to them? People's true colors are being revealed.

No one can hide as the light on the planet increases. People are being exposed for their thoughts and feelings, whether they bind another, or help to free them. There are laws of karma which create cause and effect. What we project to others will surely come back to us, and keep us bound in density, or free us to experience the Infinite Light within.

Everything is made of the same energy, just vibrating at different rates. We call this energy Spirit

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mind Power and Success
By Remez Sasson

The mind plays an important role in achieving every kind of success and goal, minor, everyday goals or major goals.

With minor or day-to-day goals, one usually knows what he wants to do or get, but when it comes to major goals, most people don't know what they really desire. They desire to do something big, but they don't know what. You may have a vague idea, but this is not enough. To accomplish anything, and to use your mind power, you have to know exactly what it is you want to do. To focus your mind power on a goal, you need to have a clear and well defined goal. How do you go about that?

You have first to think or meditate, to find out what is it that you want to accomplish or gain. For this you need focused and clear thinking. This ability can be improved and strengthened by practice.

After discovering what you really want to accomplish, you need to come up with a plan for action. You need to know what you have to do first and how to proceed. All of this requires planning, which means using the power of the mind.

After deciding on a goal and coming up with a plan, you need to hold in your mind a clear mental image of your goal. You need to see it accomplished. This step requires that you use your imagination, which is another power of the mind. Not everyone can visualize clear mental images, but regular training of the imagination can do wonders. You may, for example, look at photos of what you want to achieve, and then close your eyes, and try to see it in your imagination. This will enhance your ability to visualize.

At this point you have to display patience, self-discipline and the power to persist in your efforts. This requires a one pointed mind.

Affirmations are another useful mental tool for you to use. What you affirm sinks into the subconscious mind, becomes part of the subconscious mind, and consequently affects your behavior and actions. If your affirmations are positive, they lead you to success.

Another important power of the mind is thought transference. You need to be able to transmit your thoughts to other people, who would aid you with your plans. Often, you have to persuade others to invest in your plans or to help you in other ways. It is not enough just to talk with them, you need to believe in what you are saying; you need to be enthusiastic and persuasive, otherwise they won't listen and won't care. You need to be able to reject your and their doubts. To be able to do so, you need concentration, control over your thoughts, willpower, self-discipline and patience. All these are mental tools and skills.

Motivation is another mental and emotional power that you require. How can you achieve anything if you are not motivated enough? To increase your motivation and enthusiasm, think often of your goal, about its advantages and benefits, and how it will change your life. Doing so, will strengthen and your motivation.

Your thoughts, which are part of your mind, possess power. The thoughts that you most often think tend to come true. If you pour your mental energy into the same thoughts or mental images day after day, they will become stronger and stronger, and would consequently affect your attitude, expectations, behavior and actions. These thoughts and mental images can even be subconsciously perceived by other people, who would then offer you help or opportunities. Your thoughts can also create what is usually termed as coincidence. They can attract into your life corresponding events, situations and opportunities.

Not every thought turns into reality. A thought has to be repeated often, and be tinged with emotions, in order to come true. Doubts fears and worries tend to destroy what you build with the power of your mind. This means that you need to clear your mind of negative thoughts and doubts.

Seven Simple Steps to Inner Peace
Sri Chinmoy

Inner peace is the most valuable thing that we can cultivate. Nobody can give us inner peace, at the same time it is only our own thoughts that can rob us of our inner peace. To experience inner peace we don’t have to retreat to a Himalayan cave; we can experience inner peace right now, exactly where we are. The most important criteria is to value the importance of inner peace. If we really value inner peace, we will work hard to make it a reality.

These are some suggestions for bringing more peace into your mind.

1. Choose carefully where we spend time.

If you are a news addict and spend an hour reading newspapers everyday, our mind will be agitated by the relentless negativity we see in the world. It is true, that we can try to detach from this negativity. But, in practise ,we will make our progress easier if we don’t spend several hours ruminating over the problems of the world. If you have a spare 15 minutes, don’t just automatically switch on the TV or surf the internet. Take the opportunity to be still or at least do something positive. The problem is the mind feels insecure unless it has something to occupy it. However, when we really can attain a clear mind we discover it creates a genuine sense of happiness and inner peace.

2. Control of Thoughts.

It is our thoughts that determine our state of mind. If we constantly cherish negative and destructive thoughts, inner peace will always remain a far cry. At all costs, we need to avoid pursuing trains of negative thoughts. This requires practise. – We cannot attain mastery of our thoughts over night. But, at the same time we always have to remember that we are able to decide which thoughts to follow and which to reject. Never feel you are a helpless victim to your thoughts.

“If you have inner peace,
nobody can force you to be a slave to the outer reality.”
- Sri Chinmoy [2]

3. Simplify Your Life

Modern life, places great demands on our time. We can feel that we never have enough time to fulfill all our tasks. However, we should seek to minimise these outer demands. Take time to simplify your life; there are many things that we can do without, quite often we add unnecessary responsibilitie..s to our schedule. Do the most significant tasks, one at a time, and enjoy doing them. To experience inner peace, it is essential to avoid cluttering our life with unnecessary activities and worries.

4. Spend time to cultivate inner peace.

Every day we spend 8 hours a day to earn money, can we not find time to spend 15 minutes to cultivate inner peace? No matter how much money we earn, it cannot bring us inner peace, but, if we spend 15 minutes on meditation and relaxation techniques inner peace can become a possibility. Meditation does not just mean sitting still for 30 minutes; in meditation we seek to experience a state of consciousness which is flooded with inner peace. To experience this inner peace we cannot allow any thought to enter into our mind. True inner peace occurs when we can transcend the world of thoughts.

“You cannot buy peace; you must know how to manufacture it within, in the stillness of your daily practises in meditation.”

- Paramahansa Yogananda [2]

5. Be immune to Flattery and Criticism

If we depend on the opinions and praise of other people, we can never have inner peace. Criticism and flattery are two sides of the same coin. They are both the judgements of others. However, we should not allow ourselves to be affected by either. When we do, we feed the ego. We should learn to have confidence in ourselves. This does not mean we will love ourselves in an egotistical way, it means we value our real self and have belief in the good qualities that are part of everyone.

6. Be Active selflessly

Inner peace does not mean that we have to live a life of a hermit. Inner peace, can be felt amidst dynamic activity. But, this action should be done with selfless motives. When we serve others we forget our sense of self, and it is when we forget our limited self that we can have inner peace.

7. Avoid Criticising Others

If we want inner peace, we should feel that our inner peace depends on the well being of others. If we are indifferent to the feelings of others, then it is impossible to have inner peace for ourselves. What we give out comes back. If you offer a peaceful attitude to others this is what we will see return.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Doorway to the Meaning of Life

The Doorway to the Meaning of Life
by Owen Waters

Wandering through life looking for its meaning can be a
heart-rending task. You begin life looking to your parents for
meaning, then to your teachers and friends until, one day,
you're grown-up, educated, and still clueless.

You stand there, thinking that there has to be a reason why
you're here on this earth because you are constantly haunted
from within by a sense of knowing that a reason really does
exist. If only you could remember what it was.

At some point in your life, you look up from the hypnotizing
clamor of daily existence and seek meaning in that which is
above the physical realm of existence. In that moment, when
your attention is focused on whatever higher consciousness may
bring, you are receptive to new ideas and new information.

My life has been spent in pursuit of the awareness that there
is a whole universe of discovery within each person's higher
awareness, just waiting to be explored. Earlier in life, when I
was an employee, I'd often sit at my desk and drift away
mentally into more interesting planes of awareness. Later, as a
business owner, I was able to find quality time for some really
deep reflection. I used to rise bright and early for a
fascinating morning of study and meditation and then roll into
the office, ready to begin work, at the crack of noon.

Today, when people ask me about how to find the meaning in
their lives, the first thing I do is point out the doorway to
their own personal world of inner knowledge. The doorway is
within your heart and it leads from the world of physical
tumult into spiritual realms of inner peace and revelation.

You have only to detach from the stress and turmoil of daily
living to enter your own heart consciousness, feel the love
there which patiently awaits you, and move through the doorway
into a higher awareness.

It is in that state of higher awareness that you discover the
unique meaning of your life. It is there that you find the
peace of mind that always eluded you. It is there that the
light of inner wisdom joins with the love that flows freely
throughout the universe.

This union of love and light brings forth the enlightenment
for which all sentient beings strive, and it all begins with
unconditional love. Acceptance of yourself and everyone as you
are, followed by gratitude for life itself and the experience
that this life brings, opens up the doorway of the heart and
leads onwards into the realms of self-discovery.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius
Let the good times roll
by Cortney Litwin

It's time for some merriment as the New Moon in sassy Sagittarius on the December 16, 2009 brings out your zest for life

Sag is a fun-loving fire sign that's always seeking the next adventure. This energy can heighten your optimism by expanding your vision of what life can be. It inspires the belief that the Universe has your highest good in mind. Sag can also prompt you to widen your horizons by learning something new. What's more, Venus in Sagittarius will be dancing with the Archer until Christmas Day, giving romance a dose of adventure and optimism as well.

Read your Sun and ascendant signs below to see what gifts the New Moon can bring to your life.

Aries: Seeking out new places and people is the theme of the New Moon, which amplifies your need to expand your horizons. Participating in a cultural event, going on a trip or taking class will help fulfill this desire. Getting in touch with your spiritual life, whatever that means to you, will enable you intuit your future path.

Taurus: The New Moon energizes your need for an intimate encounter, but first you may need to analyze and eliminate old emotional patterns that hold you back from fulfillment in love - and other areas. Throwing out material stuff you don't need will bring a new sense of freedom as well. Consider paying off or consolidating some debt, too.

Gemini: Interactions with your significant other are energized by the New Moon, so plan some activities that will inspire and energize your relationship. If you're solo, someone compatible may enter your life, or at least you'll have a better idea of the kind of partner you want, which will help you manifest someone special.

Cancer: You're especially intuitive about where your professional life is headed, so keep your eyes open for opportunities to expand your work. Participating in a charity project or lending a helping hand to someone you love will bring satisfaction, too. The New Moon will also help you revamp your diet and exercise routine if you've been slacking in those areas.

Leo: Romance accelerates as your fun-loving side makes your irresistible. It's time to get in touch with your heart and express your love. Close friends who inspire you will bring joy, too. Opportunities can be found through parties and entertainment. The New Moon also fires up your artistry, so access your inner muse and get creative!

Virgo: The New Moon inspires you to build a home that mirrors who you are. Creating a beautiful ambiance and throwing a party for friends (or just for two!) will show off your sense of style and energize you emotionally. Spending time with family members and working out any differences that arise will uplift you as well.

Libra: Whether it's a heartfelt talk with your sweetie or a brilliant idea that advances your career, the New Moon heightens your brainpower and exceptional way with words. Networking can bring personal and professional opportunities, including an online romance. The travel bug says a trip may in the stars for you, so hit the road for some fun!

Scorpio: The New Moon focuses on your values and money making talents. It's time to get your priorities straight, analyze your spending habits and keep your eyes open for any financial opportunities headed your way. Believing in your abilities and having faith that the Universe provides abundance will empower your ability to attract prosperity.

Sagittarius: Your ability to realize your dreams gets a blast of energy from the New Moon in your sign! Archers are often scattered creatures, however, so to reap the blessings headed your way, you'll need to get in touch with your inner guidance and get clear about what you want. Remember, what you focus on is what you'll attract.

Capricorn: The New Moon prompts a deepening of your spiritual life and helps you resolve he past so you can move forward. Now is the time to let go of resentments and tie up loose ends. Meditation, spiritual discussions and just taking some time alone will heighten your clarity so you can perceive your direction and make better choices.

Aquarius: The New Moon turns you into a social butterfly by bringing fun, fascinating and helpful people into your life. Activities with old friends are energized as well. Opportunities can be found through networking, community endeavors and group activities. Participating in a project that helps the underprivileged will bring satisfaction.

Pisces: Your career gets a boost from the New Moon, which brings a new cycle of energy to your work. Now is not the time to hide your gifts - the spotlight is on you! Networking with colleagues, promoting your projects and sharing your expertise will bring opportunities to advance your career, so get out there and shine.

Four questions of value in life

There are four questions of value in life...
What is sacred?
Of what is the spirit made?
What is worth living for and what is worth dying for?
The answer to each is the same.
Only love.

~ Johnny Depp

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


To live content with small means;
to seek elegance rather than luxury; and refinement rather than fashion;
to be worthy, not respectable; and wealthy, not rich;
to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly;
to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart;
to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasion, hurry never;
in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious grow up through the common.
This is to be my symphony.

~William Ellery Channing

Monday, December 7, 2009

new day

This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good. ~Author Unknown

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Go out!

Relate with others, but relate with yourself also.
Love others, but love yourself also.
Go out! - the world is beautiful, adventurous;
it is a challenge, it enriches.
Go out fearlessly - there is nothing to lose,
there is everything to gain." Osho

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Answer is Love!

The Answer Is Love
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

No matter what the question or the problem is, the answer is always Love. Love is not just a sentimental emotion. It is an unfathomable power that, when truly acknowledged and understood, will transform our lives into expressions of love, abundance, health, happiness, abounding joy and spiritual enlightenment.

The information pouring forth from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth at this time is focusing on the return of the Divine Feminine, the Aspect of our Mother God that was forced to withdraw from the Earth when we closed our hearts and fell into the abyss of fear and pain after our fall from Grace aeons ago. Bringing the masculine and the feminine polarities of our Father-Mother God into balance within us, once again, is a critical step in transforming our lives.

I would like to begin this sharing with an invocation. This gift from the Company of Heaven is stated in the first person so that we will each experience it personally. Feel the Truth of these words within your Heart Flame.


Oh, Supreme Presence of God within all Life, into your Eternal Heart of Love do I immerse myself now and forever. I consciously surrender my vehicles to be merged with the Love Nature of Your Being until I AM a pure focus of Love—a living jewel in Your Crown of Adoration.

The path I walk in Life leads only to Love. My physical body filled with Love becomes shining and invincible. My etheric vehicle radiating Love transmutes the past. Love in my mind insures the expression of Your Divine Thoughts. Love in my feelings reaffirms that God is the only power acting.

As I AM thinking, feeling and remembering only Love, I know that my Father-Mother God is working through me radiating forth the perfection of All That Is to Humanity and all Life, which I have promised to Love free.

In this awakened consciousness of Divine Love, my spirit becomes Holy Spirit, and I AM the Love of God reaching out to reclaim this Earth.

In Love I magnetize all God’s blessings to me, and in Love I radiate these blessings forth to all Life around me. I AM the Spirit of Love permeating form until all is drawn back into the indivisible whole.

I feel the pulse beat of Love in all Life and the continuity of Love in all experiences I have ever known. It is ALL Love. I was born out of Love. I AM evolving through Love, and I AM Ascending back into Love.

I AM ALL LOVE, and I AM Grateful.


Oh, Father-Mother God, I now invoke the full momentum of Your Divine Light and the Light of the entire Company of Heaven. Powers of Light! Powers of Light! Powers of Light! Come forth NOW!

In deep humility and profound gratitude, I consecrate every facet of my Being to be the Open Door that no one can shut.

In Divine Truth, I accept my reality as a Beloved Child of God. I AM a Cup, a Holy Grail, through which the Light of God is now flowing to lift ALL Life on Earth into the blissful embrace of God’s Love.

I AM my mighty I AM Presence and...I AM One with the Divine Heart and Mind of God. I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. I AM One with the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. I AM One with the Angelic Kingdom. I AM One with ALL of the Beings of Light throughout Infinity.

Now, through the unspeakable power of God’s Love, ALL life on Earth is lifted into the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan for Planet Earth.

Within this Divine Concept of limitless physical perfection, every man, woman and child remembers they are a Beloved Son or Daughter of God. Every person comprehends the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent.

A renewed sense of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life stirs in each Heart Flame, and the Love of our Mother God floods the Earth through Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras.

As the Love of God flows through each person’s Heart Flame, they are lifted up, and their lives are transformed. From this new level of consciousness, Humanity taps into the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God, and viable solutions to the maladies existing on Earth flow into the conscious minds of people everywhere.

The Lightworkers come together to create the perfection of Heaven on Earth. All traces of pain and suffering are transmuted into Light. Every concept of lack and limitation ceases to exist, and the Abundance of God floods the Earth. People everywhere perceive and acknowledge the Divinity blazing in every Heart Flame. Humanity knows and accepts that all Life is Divine.

This realization inspires every person to feel and express Love and mutual respect for every part of Life. As the collective thoughts and feelings of Humanity continually empower the perfection of Heaven on Earth, the physical plane is transformed and transfigured. The body of Mother Earth is restored to a verdant Paradise of Splendor and Light.

The life of every living Being is filled with Love, Joy, Happiness, Prosperity, Fulfillment, Enlightenment, Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, Spiritual Wisdom and every other Divine Quality of our Father-Mother God.

Mother Earth dons her seamless garment of Light and Ascends up the Spiral of Evolution into the full expression of her new 5th-Dimensional Solar Reality. The Heavens rejoice, and our Father-Mother God respond

“Welcome HOME, Beloved Children. Well done.”
And so it is. I AM, I AM, I AM.

With the return of our Mother God, the Divine Masculine and Feminine are balanced within every Heart Flame. Humanity must now realign with the Truth and Inner Knowing of what the Love of our Mother God really means in relation to our very existence.

So much has been written about Love that is has almost become a platitude, but the Transfiguring Divine Love of our Mother God, is the mightiest force in the Universe. It is the vibration from which we were born out of the Heart of God and the vibration through which we must evolve and Ascend back into the Heart of God. The Love of our Mother God has no bonds, no barriers, and no conditions. Within the infinite power of our Mother’s Love there is no pain or sorrow, no lack or limitation. Her Love contains within its essence the full potential to rise above all human conditions, all self-inflicted suffering, all manner of chaos, confusion, hopelessness and despair.

Our Mother God’s Love heals the illusion of separation. It rejuvenates, revitalizes and makes whole all it embraces. It is the single greatest source of forgiveness, and it reverberates with the full gathered momentum of our Eternal Freedom. Her Love is the foundation of Creation and the balance of the One. It is the indivisible, unchanging ecstasy that allows us to know Love in all things. When we experience the Love of our Mother God, we understand that we are all One. Whether we are a person, a magnificent Sun or a blade of grass, the all-encompassing Light of our Mother’s Love unites us in the Body of God.

As our Mother God reclaims this Earth and once again anoints Humanity with the Eternal Light of Divine Love, we experience true Peace. Her Love is now resonating in the core of our Beings; it is not outside of us. We no longer need to seek the Divine Feminine from afar; we need to merely accept that our Mother God has returned, and that she is now abiding within our Heart Flames. Her Love is pulsating within the silent rhythm of every heartbeat, every breath. It is the universal language now speaking to all Humanity through our gift of Life. As we listen in the silence of our hearts, we hear the tones and whisperings of Love inspired by the wonder of nature and the Music of the Spheres.

Our Mother God is now reestablishing her Covenant of Love with the Children of Earth, which will enhance our ability to once and for all accept the gift of God’s Abundance. Through this covenant, the supply of all good things will forever and ever flood into the hands and use of the Sons and Daughters of God. The glory of God’s Abundance will be a manifest reality not only in this moment, but far beyond Earth and time into Eternity.

The effulgence of our newly balanced Heart Flames is creating an environment of Love and upliftment around each of us. When we turn our attention to the balanced expression of our Father-Mother God within our hearts, the illusion of separation is shattered. Our hearts are unified, and we once again experience the bliss of knowing we are One, and that Love is all there is. This knowing evokes from within the deepest recesses of our Beings a celestial song of thanksgiving and a reverent feeling of Divine Gratitude. Every sunrise we see, every flower that shares its perfume with us, every friend and loved one who warms our heart is a gift of God’s sustaining Love. These sacred gifts inspire our perpetual adoration to the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.

Our Mother God has placed us within a mantle of Her Love, and our nervous systems are being recalibrated to withstand the highest frequencies of the Divine Feminine. This mantel of Love will help to transform each of us into conscious, self-generating centers of Light and Love. The tremendous impetus and magnetic pull of our Mother’s Love now flowing through our Heart Flames will stir the souls of Humanity. The invisible and resistless power of this Love will pierce into the sleeping spiritual centers of every member of the Human race and accelerate the awakening of each one.

We now, as never before, have the ability to merge our personal service to Life with God’s service to Life for the highest good of all concerned. Our Mother God’s radiant, universal Love is pouring through all of us without designating favor to a particular person, place, condition or thing. Her Love is giving a healing, impersonal benediction to every particle of Life. The power and magnetic Love of the Divine Feminine is blessing all Life with an equal opportunity to respond. Every evolving soul is being given both the blessing and the responsibility of becoming an Open Door for our Mother God’s exquisite Love. Every Human Being now has the opportunity to become an instrument of God vested with the power to change the feelings of all with whom we come in contact. This will be accomplished not through our human will, but through the balanced power of the Flame of Divinity now blazing in our hearts.

When we agree to become a magnetic force of Divine Love, we draw to ourselves the loving support we need from those who are aligned with, and will assist us with, our Divine Missions. This occurs not because of allegiance to a particular personality, but because of the affinity of our soul’s Light with the spiritual essence of the particular facet of the Divine Plan.

As we expand our service to Life, we must reach up in consciousness and tap into the sacred knowledge and wisdom that will teach us how to effectively utilize the frequencies of Divine Love from our Mother God. Her Love is a priceless gift that is now freely flowing through every Heart Flame. The more we understand about the power and might of this majestic force, the more effective we will be in assimilating it into our life experiences.

In order to be a powerful force of Divine Love on this planet, all you have to do is open your heart and remember that this is your destiny. It is who you are, right here and right now. And so it is.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Your Strong, Tender Heart

Your Strong, Tender Heart

~Carry Hart

How tenderly you hold your heart, the innocence and love within, all gently wrapped in tissue paper and tied with a blue ribbon. How cold the world can seem when you go out into it, as you try to protect your heart against the winds and the storms. And how tempting it is to steel your heart against them, to try to strengthen your heart by making it colder and harder. Sometimes it feels that you must do this to ease the ache for warmth and sharing, for tenderness spoken and gentleness returned.

But the heart does not grow strong through hardening, and brittleness does not serve. The heart grows strong through openness and flowing, through warmth and caring, even if that caring is given only by you to yourself. The heart is a resilient muscle that will heal itself if only it is allowed to have love flow through it. It does not heal through protection and stagnation, but by opening wide to the flow of human communication and connection.

Open wide, little heart. Trust this truth, that by reaching out in oneness and love, you will grow stronger. Trust this truth that love must flow and that this flow begins by giving, over and over, by opening your heart and allowing yourself to love and then to love more and then even more. Remember always that loving someone is a great gift to yourself, not only to them. And that even love not openly expressed, when allowed to flow, can heal.

And remember, too, to make sure that one of the recipients of all of your love is you. For when you love yourself deeply, truly and warmly, when you speak kindly to yourself and lavish yourself with praise, when you gently nurture every gift that is yours and accept yourself lovingly just as you are, then you have it all. You are the giver and the receiver. You are the open flowing heart.

And within this flow, you and your tender heart will grow stronger and stronger with each passing moment. And someday, you will allow yourself to shine out with all that you are and your heart will smile and gladly accept the love that flows from others in return.