"There must be but one goal when we meditate or pray, and that is to have a God experience - an awareness, a consciousness of the presence of God." ~ Living the Infinite Way, Joel Goldsmith
Your Spiritual Intelligence
By Rev Dr Ann Ronan
Imagine this. You started out as a single cell that was 1/1,000 of an inch (tiny!).
That cell contained all the instructions that make up you within its DNA. All the information contained in that tiny cell would fill 1,000 books with 600 pages in each book.
You breathe without thinking. You digest food without thinking. You're blood circulates without your help. You are a miracle.
The intelligence that created you is beyond our imagination. It is the same intelligence that animates and sustains all of creation from the tiniest cell to the farthest galaxy. It is all God (as humans we feel we have to name everything) and it is good. Ernest Holmes often called this intelligence "it."
Just know that God is. God is. If you feel yourself getting stressed, feeling overwhelmed, not knowing what to do in a situation. Stop. And remember God is. That intelligence that is so much more than our little mind knows what to do.
And you are of this great intelligence. You are one part of it expressing itself through you this day. Know peace. Know all is well. Know that their is a power in the universe greater than anything you can imagine. And it works for you, through you.
Be still and know. Feel peace. Enjoy the moment. You are tapping into your spiritual intelligence.
Spiritual Practice
Create an image for yourself of this infinite, unlimited spiritual intelligence that is always there for you. Maybe a picture of a deep well, or the vast ocean, or a bubbling fountain that never runs dry. During the day, when you feel discomfort, stress, anger, judgment...bring that image to your mind and be still and know that you can draw upon your spiritual intelligence anytime.
Be still and know.