A Person is not a thing or a process
but an opening through which the
Absolute can manifest
The Star
By Rosalie Cusumano©
In ancient religions the star symbolizes the guiding light...
It is the universal principle of self-esteem and confidence….
Each of us is a guiding light, a star, an "opening through which the Absolute can manifest".
When we are filled with self doubt we are closed and our light is dim.
We all have aspects of ourselves or things that we have or have not done that we are not proud of, including myself…
Let it go,forgive your self, embrace all of who you are and move on,
taking only the self realizations and lessons you have learned, with you.
You are a Star, a spark, of the Divine, a gateway through which the Absolute can manifest, perfect just as you are.
Believe in yourself…
Leave, inner-, criticism, judgment, and doubt behind.
None are of service to you on your journey forward, not unless you desire them to be.
What have you learned, how you have grown, are you opening up or closing down, are you shining brighter or has your light been diminished. This is what matters.
You control your light. You and you only can choose to shine or to allow the pitfalls of life to diminish your light.
I know that I am here to be of service, not only to the Divine, but to every spark of light, every Star, within the universe of the Divine, whether it shines or is dim.
If I lack self-esteem and confidence how can I be of service to myself or any one else? I can not.
Many have tried to shake my confidence and weaken might light, none have succeeded.
I am a Star, shining bright and strong, eternally expanding, not a thing or a process but an opening through which the Absolute can manifest.
Be radiant and confident with each step you take, leaving behind you a footprint of your light, so you may light the way for others who's Star have dimmed..