Friday, February 26, 2010

The Invitation

The Invitation
By Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithlessand therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

Embracing Your Divinity

Embracing Your Divinity
By Linda Zander

The Imperative to Manifesting Sustainable Abundance

We’ve lost ourselves. We’ve lost the truth of who we are as human beings. We’ve turned our power over to negative thought forms and beliefs put into place thousands of years ago. These negative thought forms and beliefs were created with a single purpose in mind—to control our thoughts, actions and behaviors to the benefit of those who would wield power over us.

It is time that we took our power back! It is a social imperative that we all share the responsibility for. Do you truly want to be happy, joyous, abundant and free? Do you want to see peace reign in the world? Do you want to see our dwindling environmental resources begin to replenish and flourish? Do you want to have the power to manifest abundance in your life?

There is a way, as a collective humanity to co-create sustainable abundance in every area of our lives. It requires a Quantum Shift in perspective and a desire and willingness to reframe our beliefs about who we inherently are as human beings. It saddens me greatly when I repeatedly and continuously hear the following from the beautiful, radiantly talented people that cross my path:

· As human beings we are imperfect, flawed and weak
· No pain, no gain
· One cannot transcend or grow without suffering

· I don’t know what it would take for me to be happy. I have everything and I feel confused and alone.

· I feel like I am a prisoner in my own life and I don’t know how to undo it

· If only I had the right woman/man in my life, I’d feel ok

· If only I had money, I’d be free.

· I feel like I’m being punished for who I am
· If only I had a house, I’d be secure.

With great sadness in my heart I write to you to implore you to begin anew. To wipe the slate clean and to create a new Tabla Rosa and imprint upon it that which is truly your birthright and destiny as a human being! You are a bundle of pure divinity. You are a perfect, precious creation of unlimited intelligence, creativity and divine power to be the alchemist mixing and creating precious energies, thoughts, forms and materials into divine material form.

The true disease of our humanity causing the dwindling resources of our environment, increasingly aggressive warring among political and religious factions and early death due to diseases born out of our own behaviors, is our belief that we are flawed, imperfect, and being punished for the sin of being human!

My divine fellows, where, when and why did we decide to buy into the very belief that is causing the deconstruction and destruction of everything that we hold dear in life!
Not until we REMEMBER and EMBRACE the truth of our divinity and LET GO of someone’s self-motivated spin that continues to dominate and control us, will we begin to be free. As we begin to embrace the truth of our wholeness, we will begin to feel the rise of a new era. A rise in health, wealth and well-being in our hearts, homes, communities and the world we live and breathe in.

The spin of “original sin” and human form as broken, flawed and in need of being saved is what perpetuates living from a place of fear. The belief that as human beings we are a stain on the fabric of the world is truly tragic and commits us to a barren future. The belief that only through pain, we rise, is yet another negative thought form which has as its’ goal to behavior modify us into a malleable controllable collective. It keeps us immobilized where institutions can lead us into arenas that only serve their thirst for power, dominance and control. Fear breeds more fear and increased fear in the world gives rise to those who want to capitalize on our fears. They control our minds, actions, behaviors and pocketbooks! Conquer and divide is the dish of the day if we continue to buy into the belief that our greatest strength as a human being is our weakness!

Living from fear allows us to be controlled. It controls what we are able to accomplish in the world. We strive to create security and success from a place of fear and when security and success is built on a foundation of fear, it is at risk of collapse and destruction. The only way to create SUSTAINABLE abundance is through living from a place of our own power and divinity. We must understand that as human beings we ARE PERFECT and we hold the power to the expansion of not only our lives, but the world around us.

When we begin to feel the rightness, beauty and brilliance of who we are, fear begins to slip away and we begin to feel a new surge of the divine running through our hearts, souls, and spirits. We begin to see life through a new lens. Everything comes vibrantly alive and a new energy moves through us giving birth to our own unique creative intelligence. We begin to live in flow and trust and not in fear. We begin to manifest a new reality of our own choosing! An abundant Universe where supply far exceeds demand! Just envision that for a moment. What would the World become having all the supply that we could ever need to meet demand? I know you know the answer. War, famine, disease, ego and fear would become ancient history! Humanity would rise to a new consciousness where abundance would be allowed to expand and flourish and we would become the generation of a new era of enlightenment!

We, the people, ARE the mass consciousness that have the power to create permanent quantum shift for a new tomorrow. Believe it, embrace it and manifest it now!

We’ve also bought into the belief that change is a painful process. When we even think of the word “change” it evokes a feeling of dread and fear. We, again, become immobilized and choose to stay stuck rather than facing the supposedly inevitable trauma of change. This is a belief that we have to shift and let go of in order to become proactive participants in the creation of a new abundant landscape of life.

Change is invigorating, energizing, exciting, and expansive and creates innovation and genius when you are the one instituting and creating the change.

The reason why most of us see change as a threat rather than the opportunity for wealth expansion is because most of us let change happen to us rather than being the proactive person promoting the shift. It is the difference between being the victim of circumstances or the victor of circumstances. Which will you choose going forward? To be the person who allows change to be thrust upon them or the person who creates positive change?

Again, it is a matter of living in faith of yourself as a divine creator and not as a fear-based person who is being manipulated and controlled by those who would seek power over you.

True and right use of power comes from within with a purity of intention to manifest abundance for the greater good of the whole. It starts in your heart, soul and home and trickles out into the world.

As you believe, others believe. As you live your divinity, others will live their divinity. As you radiate the new reality of our divine humanity, others see it, feel it and move into it. You have the power to change your mind, thoughts, beliefs, deeds, actions and reactions. You have the power to manifest a new reality that sustains your existence in the highest, most abundant form imaginable.

Blessings as you go forward into the divine flow your destiny!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Build Your Soul-Esteem

Build Your Soul-Esteem
A sense of self-worth
by Alina Mikos

In American culture, we've been trained from a young age to believe our self-worth is tied to material things like our job title, income, and social status. When those factors drop in a recession, we feel empty. But our self-worth is so much greater than the physical plane. If we quiet the noise around us and focus on our purpose, we will learn to acknowledge our soul-esteem.

What Is Soul-Esteem?
Loosely defined, soul-esteem is the innate worth each human being is born with, but all too often, is lost or forgotten somewhere along life's journey. Most of us live our entire lives reflected in the mirrors that other humans hold up, which prevents our true and extraordinary selves from reaching full-realization. If self-esteem is confidence and satisfaction in oneself, then soul-esteem would be the profound and primal awareness of our connection with everything in the universe. This soul-esteem, inherent in every being, instills in us an enormous sense of peace and belonging. It etches our lives with deep and meaningful purpose.

Soul-esteem has also been referred to as our 'Buddha nature' (or that oneness with all). It is the absolute inner-knowledge of who we are and how we can best utilize our unique talents to enrich the world.

Why Developing Soul-Esteem Is Essential
Developing our soul-esteem gives us spiritual confidence, not just to participate in our culture, but to transform it into something better. It is that open-minded and non-judgmental assurance that helps us foster deeply significant connections to other people, linking humanity instead of dividing it.

Some of the great leaders, like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., developed extraordinary soul-esteem to oppose the norm, and to inspire others to rally against oppression and injustice. To be connected with our soul-esteem means that we can achieve immense spiritual confidence, allowing us to act from our highest power.

What Can You Do?
If we don't engage and foster our soul-esteem, our souls can wither. Depression, stress, frustration, illness, and even escapism are all side effects of failure to carefully develop our soul-esteem. We must listen to our primal and untainted inner guides, as they will lead us along the path we need to travel. When new opportunities arise, we must acknowledge them and allow our souls to lead us in the most positive direction that will stimulate spiritual growth. If we engage that wise and deep part of ourselves that shines and lights the way for others, then we are truly letting our souls flower fully and freely.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Is Spirit?

What is Spirit
By: Shirley Marotta

When you ask the question what is Spirit? You open the door to many interpretations. I am giving here my understanding (from my reading and exploration) of what Spirit is to me.

Spirit is the unseen force within all people and within all worldly things. Spirit is the driving force behind all creation. Spirit is the core of your being that knows everything. It is the energy that propels things into manifestation. It is that voice inside that tells you when things feel right or wrong.

Spiritual Connection

When you are in the quiet of meditation you are bridging the gap between the ego, that goes about taking care of everyday life events, and your true Spirit within. This Spirit is the core of your being the energy that supports your life. Letting go of outside distractions allows you to touch your Spiritual core.

Have you ever been so involved in a project you love doing that time passed without notice, everything just flowed as it should, and all the pieces fell into place with ease? Your inner Spirit was guiding you, because you let go of everything around you and focused on the task. Spirit is that place inside you that gives you the inspiration and love for that task because it is right for you, it is what you were meant to do.

So when you ask what is Spirit? I say to you it is your center, the core of your being that knows all you need to know to live a happy fulfilling life. This is not to say that you will never experience ups and downs in your life. Being in touch with your Spiritual center will help you to deal with stressful situations, because you will be approaching it from the calm of your Spiritual center. Answer the question for yourself, what is Spirit? Explore the meaning for yourself, read, learn, seek out Spiritual teachers. You will touch the core of your being and begin the journey to Spiritual awakening then handling life's challenges will be easier.

Spiritual Living

Incorporate into your life those things that you enjoy that make you feel good about yourself and at the same time you are honoring your Spirit. Be aware that every living being has the same inner Spirit and try to see that in them as well.

Everyone has a Spirit within, everyone is dealing with different life situations that contribute to their outlook on life. They may not seem like Spiritual beings at times but it is there and if you can recognize that small spark in all things you will be the better for it. When you honor Spirit in others and in the world around you, you honor your Spirit as well. We are all one with the universal energy that is the one Divine Spirit that created our world and everything in it.

Open your mind and heart, learn and listen to the voice of the Spirit within. You come from Spirit and you are connected to the Divine Spirit that created this Universe and all that is in it. Because you are from this one true Spirit you share in its power and abundance if you recognize it and nurture that part of yourself.

Be kind to yourself and trust that inner voice, always think and act from a place of love and kindness. Every act of kindness will open your heart more and more. With an open heart you will hear the voice of Spirit, you will change your life for the better.

Whether you realize it or not every positive thought and act stems from your Spiritual center (that inner voice) and you are planting the seeds of positive change in the consciousness of the entire world. So ask yourself what is Spirit? And live your best life now.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Your Spiritual Intelligence

"There must be but one goal when we meditate or pray, and that is to have a God experience - an awareness, a consciousness of the presence of God." ~ Living the Infinite Way, Joel Goldsmith

Your Spiritual Intelligence
By Rev Dr Ann Ronan

Imagine this. You started out as a single cell that was 1/1,000 of an inch (tiny!).

That cell contained all the instructions that make up you within its DNA. All the information contained in that tiny cell would fill 1,000 books with 600 pages in each book.

You breathe without thinking. You digest food without thinking. You're blood circulates without your help. You are a miracle.

The intelligence that created you is beyond our imagination. It is the same intelligence that animates and sustains all of creation from the tiniest cell to the farthest galaxy. It is all God (as humans we feel we have to name everything) and it is good. Ernest Holmes often called this intelligence "it."

Just know that God is. God is. If you feel yourself getting stressed, feeling overwhelmed, not knowing what to do in a situation. Stop. And remember God is. That intelligence that is so much more than our little mind knows what to do.

And you are of this great intelligence. You are one part of it expressing itself through you this day. Know peace. Know all is well. Know that their is a power in the universe greater than anything you can imagine. And it works for you, through you.

Be still and know. Feel peace. Enjoy the moment. You are tapping into your spiritual intelligence.
Spiritual Practice

Create an image for yourself of this infinite, unlimited spiritual intelligence that is always there for you. Maybe a picture of a deep well, or the vast ocean, or a bubbling fountain that never runs dry. During the day, when you feel discomfort, stress, anger, judgment...bring that image to your mind and be still and know that you can draw upon your spiritual intelligence anytime.

Be still and know.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Everyday Spirituality

Everyday Spirituality
By: Shirley Marotta

Everyday spirituality is found within all of us. From your first day on this earth you have been influenced by the ideas of society telling you what kind of person you should be. These ideas and life events molded and shaped you into who you are today. Your inner spirit has taken a back seat crowded out by all these ideas and notions of who you are and how to live your life.

Seeing Spirituality Everyday

Look past the physical, look beyond it into each individual's spiritual center. Use your awareness to recognize it in all beings. The best way to begin is to set the mood by just think of the people and things that make you happy:

• your loved ones

• the sounds of happy children

• the sounds of nature on a quiet spring day

• a neighborly act of kindness

• a peaceful time for meditation

• reading a good book or inspirational story

• listening to your favorite music

You can and will experience an “aaah haaa” moment when you come to rediscover your own inner spirituality and that of the world around you. If you recognize all the good in your life and give it attention and recognition you will experience the spirituality that surrounds you everyday.

Spirituality is all around you, what is spirituality? I like this definition of spirituality: "Spirituality is that which relates to or affects the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things." Spirituality touches that part of you that is not dependant on material things or physical comforts.

You can bring spirituality into your everyday life. You can find it in everyone you encounter and everywhere you go. We are all spiritual beings deep within, if you look beyond the trappings of this material world. If you do this you will see spirituality in your everyday life.

Build Your Awareness of Everyday Spirituality

Make a note to yourself that as you go through everyday tasks and events you will remember to find the spiritual aspects of whatever it is you are doing. Bring your awareness into the here and now, you are not thinking ahead or thinking of what has past, you are in the moment. Practicing being completely in the moment is an excellent way to build your awareness of spirit.

Choosing to see the good in all people and things is the way to tune into your spirit within. You will no doubt encounter people that make it difficult to recognize their inner spirit. Everyone has a spiritual center; it is just that some are not ready to open to that part of their being yet. But your recognition of it and the way you treat that individual can help open that door for them if only a little bit, you have made a difference in that person's life.

Listen to the voice within the voice of your inner spirit and it will guide you to take right action every time.

Live Your Best Life Now!

Make today a new beginning live in and through your spiritual center. Remember the small things in life that truly make you smile. When you find yourself in a negative frame of mind just recall the things that make you happy. The positive events and people in your life will help diminish the affects of that negativity.

It is not an easy task but with practice it will become second nature and you will gain so much. Your life will start to evolve into the life you've dreamed of. Take one step at a time build your awareness of everyday spirituality by recognizing it in the people and things around you.

Start living your best life now, start recognizing the spirit in you, and the spirituality that surrounds you.