Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Meditation on Resurrection

A Meditation on Resurrection

(Paramahansa Yogananda encouraged all meditators to expand their consciousness during the Easter season by attuning it to the infinite Christ Consciousness — the projected consciousness of God immanent in all creation; the universal consciousness, oneness with God, manifested by Jesus, Krishna, and other avatars. Following is one of the meditations he gave:)

Christ is risen. He is risen from the limitations of the physical body, the astral body, and the causal body into Omnipresence. One with omnipresent Christ Consciousness, Jesus is risen in the heart of every flower, every ray of sunshine, every noble thought. He is risen in the atomic age, and all its devastations will not hide the birth of his spirit of new life, new humanity, rising from the cradle of wisdom and universal love.
He is risen in our minds, our hearts, our souls — there is no separation between him and us. He is walking in the garden of our love, in the garden of our sacred devotion and in the garden of our meditation.

He is risen in every atom and cell, he is risen in the clouds, he is risen in all planets. He is risen in the universes and the wandering radiations around the universes, and in the cool light beyond. He is risen from the universes into the quiet of Cosmic Consciousness. And he will rise again in you and through your devotion. When your wisdom shall awaken, you will behold the resurrection of Christ within you. And through your meditation and divine communion you shall be resurrected with him, from the sepulcher of the body and mortal consciousness into the ever blissful infinitude of Spirit.

O Christ, thou art resurrected in Spirit. We rejoice in thy resurrection, and in its reassurance of thy promise: that as children of God, having descended into the sepulchre of flesh, we too shall reascend into our Father’s kingdom. On this Easter, all our devotion, all the cries of our hearts, all the perfume of goodness within us, we lay at thy feet of omnipresence. We are thine, receive us! Through the Christ Consciousness, resurrect us with thee in the Eternal Spirit. Keep us in that kingdom of Bliss ever and forever.

Prayer and Affirmation for Easter Morning

Prayer and Affirmation for Easter Morning
~Paramahansa Yogananda

Heavenly Christ, saturate our consciousness with Thy consciousness.
Give us a new birth in Thee.
Affirm and feel:

Heavenly Father, awaken me in Christ Consciousness.

Christ and I are one.
Joy and I are one.
Peace and I are one.
Wisdom and I are one.
Love and I are one.
Bliss and I are one.
Christ and I are one.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Honor Yourself

Give yourself great respect. Let every thought and every action you direct toward yourself to be how you would treat someone for whom you feel both admiration and gratitude, and someone you would like very much to have as a dear friend.

Every thought should be only what you would direct toward such a person. Every action you take shoul...d be colored with deep respect, deep kindness and an underlying love for yourself.

You are everything.You are your best friend. You are the one person who will always be there.Treat yourself this way. Give yourself the credit you are due. Honor yourself for how hard you have worked, all of the wonderful things you have done, the many, many ways in which you have learned and grown. Honor yourself for all of this.

You are worth it all. You are worth every kind word and loving act. Treasure yourself today, just for being exactly the person that you are, right now.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Life Is A Book

Life is a book, we all read it.
Love is a blessing, we all need it.
Always be happy, walk with a smile.
Remember in this world we are just for a while.

Love adorns itself;
it seeks to prove inward joy by outward beauty.

Love does not claim possession,
but gives freedom.

Love is an endless mystery,
for it has nothing else to explain it.

Love's gift cannot be given,
it waits to be accepted.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Now is the Portal to Peace

Now is the Portal to Peace

Let the calm of the inner world wash over you like a wave on the sea.L et the peace and calm that is there for you soothe you and cool you, wash over you and bring you into a state of grace.

You can train yourself to access peace. You can learn a deep inner peace that will carry forward into your life, filling you with a well of peace that is there for you to tap into when you need it during the day.

All that is good in your life comes from this well of peace.The best choices are made from this place, the place beneath emotion, the place beneath confusion. You are connected to all of the wisdom in the world and you are connected through peace. The emotions keep this knowledge from you. Peace gives you access.

And the way to find peace is to enter the Now, this moment, right here, right now. This moment is the portal to a deep peace this is always there, always accessible and always yours.

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to Know Everything About Anything

How to Know Everything About Anything
~Owen Waters

Soul awareness is like standing on a mountaintop compared to being down in a valley: The view is incredible. You can see so much more from the mountaintop than when you were down in the valley looking for a way up to higher ground.

Similarly, with its wider vision, your soul can see everything that relates to any situation or challenge in your life. At a soul level, you have an understanding of the dynamics of everything that affects you.

The trick is to tap into that super-awareness and gain the insights that will help you best manage the situations in your daily life. When you are faced with a challenge or a difficult decision, you need look no further than your own soul consciousness.

Here’s how to make that connection to your inner resources. Like playing a musical instrument or running in a race, intuitive insight is a skill that improves with practice, and you can start using it right away.

Start by reminding yourself that, within you, lies the great resource of soul awareness. It knows everything about any situation that you face and it knows how each possible solution could unfold.

You need that information, and if you feel some doubt as to whether your inner being could really could be that all-knowing, here’s the key:

Think as if, and it will be.

Know that your soul consciousness knows. You just have to open a willing connection and let the answer come through.

If you have difficulty doing this for yourself, then try a little role-playing instead. The Greek origin for the word psychic means ‘of the soul,’ which is exactly what you want – information from your all-knowing soul awareness.

Role-play: Step out of your current mindset and think as if you are the world’s greatest psychic! Think as if you are about to perform perfectly, as the world’s greatest psychic always does, and correctly divine the answer to the problem that you face. Feel the certainty that such a person feels, knowing that, yet again, you are about to come up with the ideal solution.

Try it; it works! And, the more you try it, the better it works.

There is an elegant, ideal solution to every problem and your soul knows the answer every time. That’s what souls do for a living.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Co-Creating Unity and Peace

Yesterday I was blessed with the opportunity to unite with a diverse group of people who joined together and shared, through unified prayer and chanting, their equally diverse religious and spiritual belief systems, for the purpose of
co-creating and harboring peace and unity.
For me, the experience was extremely profound; opening my heart wider than I believed possible.
Eliminating and Expanding, my Love of, and for, all that is, and all that I AM.

God,The Divine,The Creator, was in the house

Uplifting our souls,

Opening our hearts,

Filling the room with the Light and Glory of Love,

And we were One.

If a small group such as ours, in the scope of humanity, can create such an enlightening divine experience, can you imagine the magnitude of what we can create if all of humanity came together for the same purpose regardless, and in spite of, our immense differences?

I Can.

For as immense as our differences are, so too are our similarities. We are all part of a unified consciousness, equal creators of a unified reality, when we make a conscious connection to the One that we are, we have the power and fortitude to co-create a reality of, Peace, Unity and Love

Take a leap of faith, open your heart and give peace a chance.

In Love, Unity and Peace
Rosalie~ ♥ ~

Friday, April 8, 2011

Seven Simple Steps to Inner Peace

Seven Simple Steps to Inner Peace

~Sri Chinmoy

Inner peace is the most valuable thing that we can cultivate। Nobody can give us inner peace, at the same time it is only our own thoughts that can rob us of our inner peace. To experience inner peace we don’t have to retreat to a Himalayan cave; we can experience inner peace right now, exactly where we are. The most important criteria is to value the importance of inner peace. If we really value inner peace, we will work hard to make it a reality.

These are some suggestions for bringing more peace into your mind।

1. Choose carefully where we spend time. If you are a news addict and spend an hour reading newspapers everyday, our mind will be agitated by the relentless negativity we see in the world. It is true, that we can try to detach from this negativity. But, in practise ,we will make our progress easier if we don’t spend several hours ruminating over the problems of the world. If you have a spare 15 minutes, don’t just automatically switch on the TV or surf the internet. Take the opportunity to be still or at least do something positive. The problem is the mind feels insecure unless it has something to occupy it. However, when we really can attain a clear mind we discover it creates a genuine sense of happiness and inner peace.

2. Control of Thoughts. It is our thoughts that determine our state of mind. If we constantly cherish negative and destructive thoughts, inner peace will always remain a far cry. At all costs, we need to avoid pursuing trains of negative thoughts. This requires practise. – We cannot attain mastery of our thoughts over night. But, at the same time we always have to remember that we are able to decide which thoughts to follow and which to reject. Never feel you are a helpless victim to your thoughts.

“If you have inner peace, nobody can force you to be a slave to the outer reality.” - Sri Chinmoy

3. Simplify Your Life Modern life, places great demands on our time. We can feel that we never have enough time to fulfill all our tasks. However, we should seek to minimise these outer demands. Take time to simplify your life; there are many things that we can do without, quite often we add unnecessary responsibilitie..s to our schedule. Do the most significant tasks, one at a time, and enjoy doing them. To experience inner peace, it is essential to avoid cluttering our life with unnecessary activities and worries.

4. Spend time to cultivate inner peace. Every day we spend 8 hours a day to earn money, can we not find time to spend 15 minutes to cultivate inner peace? No matter how much money we earn, it cannot bring us inner peace, but, if we spend 15 minutes on meditation and relaxation techniques inner peace can become a possibility. Meditation does not just mean sitting still for 30 minutes; in meditation we seek to experience a state of consciousness which is flooded with inner peace. To experience this inner peace we cannot allow any thought to enter into our mind. True inner peace occurs when we can transcend the world of thoughts.

“You cannot buy peace; you must know how to manufacture it within, in the stillness of your daily practises in meditation.” - Paramahansa Yogananda

5. Be immune to Flattery and Criticism If we depend on the opinions and praise of other people, we can never have inner peace. Criticism and flattery are two sides of the same coin. They are both the judgements of others. However, we should not allow ourselves to be affected by either. When we do, we feed the ego. We should learn to have confidence in ourselves. This does not mean we will love ourselves in an egotistical way, it means we value our real self and have belief in the good qualities that are part of everyone.

6. Be Active selflessly Inner peace does not mean that we have to live a life of a hermit. Inner peace, can be felt amidst dynamic activity. But, this action should be done with selfless motives. When we serve others we forget our sense of self, and it is when we forget our limited self that we can have inner peace.

7. Avoid Criticising Others If we want inner peace, we should feel that our inner peace depends on the well being of others. If we are indifferent to the feelings of others, then it is impossible to have inner peace for ourselves. What we give out comes back. If you offer a peaceful attitude to others this is what we will see return.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Your April 2011 Forecast

Your April 2011 Forecast
By Cortney Litwin

Forge Ahead and Find Your Creativity
April arrives with a blaze of glory. Multiple Aries conjunctions intensify the energy for daring ideas and groundbreaking projects – a fresh start all around.

What have you been procrastinating about because of lack of passion, focus, drive or courage? Now is the time to dive in and forge a new path. It’s also time to express your individuality through your words, style, originality or creativity.

The only influence reigning in this self-centered vibe is Saturn in relationship-oriented Libra. Multiple Saturn oppositions throughout the month assure that we take other people’s ideas and feelings into consideration. Libra is all about balance and fairness, after all.
But the most intriguing influence currently is Neptune, which makes its debut in Pisces for four months, before backtracking into Aquarius and then re-entering Pisces in February 2012, where it will stay for thirteen years.

Neptune transiting through its own sign will empower all things under its domain, including art, healing and philanthropy. Expect a global spiritual awakening as the planet of oneness and compassion shines a light on suffering throughout the world.

Transit Tales

For most of April, the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries intensify the need to take action and to express your individuality.

In the romance arena, during the first three weeks of April, Venus in Pisces sensitizes relationships and focuses on the spiritual/empathetic connections in romance and friendships. Then from March 20 – May 14, Venus in Aries energizes the passion and spontaneity in romantic encounters.

Planets in Motion

Mercury turns direct on April 23, which will help communications move forward.

Retrograde Pluto from April 9-September 15 can transform your inner life by helping you heal emotional wounds. It can also affect your outer life by changing how you deal with debt and other shared resources.

Retrograde Saturn though June 5 continues to encourage you to evaluate your goals, commitments, relationships.

Lunar Magic

The New Moon in Aries on April 3 brings fresh energy to new projects and self-expression. However, it opposes Saturn in Libra, which reigns in the aggressive energy of Aries by emphasizing relationships, co-operation and fairness.

The Full Moon in Libra energizes shared activities, as well as endeavors that focus on equality or cooperation.

Planetary Highlights

April 1-May 10: Mars in Aries resembles an arrow heading toward a target with great speed and unwavering focus, an influence you can access to accomplish your goals.

April 3: The New Moon in Aries opposing Saturn balances the impulsive, driven energy of the Aries by focusing on equality, fairness and cooperation.

April 3: Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries intensifies daring, impulsiveness and innovation.

April 4-August 3: Neptune makes its debut in Pisces for four months, before backtracking into Aquarius and then reentering Pisces in February 2012, for 13 years. Neptune transiting through its own sign will empower all things under its domain, including art, healing and philanthropy. Expect a spiritual awakening as the planet of oneness and compassion shines a light on suffering throughout the world.

April 6: The Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Aries heightens optimism, courage and faith.

April 9-September 15: Retrograde Pluto favors going inward to excavate and purge troubling emotional issues that keep you stuck, such as resentment, anger, jealousy and powerlessness.

April 9: The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries energizes groundbreaking ideas and discussions.

April 11: Mars square Pluto can prompt daring/dangerous actions based on the need for power or ego gratification, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

April 11: The Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Aries energizes pioneering ideas and discussions, especially those that involve education, travel, culture or spirituality.

April 17: The Full Moon in Libra energizes shared activities, cooperation, compromise and equality.

April 18: Mars opposing Saturn can bring up fears about taking action.

April 19: The Mercury-Mars conjunction in Aries intensifies ideas and discussions about competition, war, defense, bravery or strength.

April 20: The Sun entering Taurus energizes activities that are practical, sensual or environmental.

April 20-May 14: Venus in Aries heightens the passion and impulsiveness in relationships.

April 22: The Venus-Uranus conjunction in Aries can produce electrifying love-at-first-sight scenarios or innovative, artistic inspiration.

April 23: Mercury in Aries turning direct helps with self-expression and untangling communications in general.

April 27: Venus square Pluto can produce extreme reactions in relationships and bring up issues about power, jealousy or money, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

April 27: The Sun trine Pluto strengthens courage and determination.

April 30: Venus opposing Saturn slows down relationships and can bring up issues about commitment, loneliness or money, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

April 30: The Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Aries energizes patriotism, courage and the urge to take action.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Soul Mate
by Owen Waters

Romance makes you come alive. It brings joy to the soul, happiness to the heart, and places rose-colored glasses firmly in front of your eyes. With the arrival of romance, you feel that you are walking on air and that your whole world is filled with happiness. Because everything feels so wonderful, even simple pleasures can feel like ecstatic delights.

At some point in a new and beautiful relationship, you may ask yourself, “Is this partner my soul mate?” Chances are good that they are because you have many soul mates in existence, not just one!

To see why, let’s examine the soul realms, which exist in a frequency of consciousness higher than the physical world. Your soul essence is based there even though its attention is focused in the physical world, where it sends subtle hints into your conscious awareness in order to help you in your day-to-day living.

Your soul belongs to an immediate group of soul mates numbering, typically, 8 or 9 souls. Then, there are nearby groups that relate closely to yours and still other groups that relate to them. You have an extended family of soul groups which typically includes over a thousand individual souls.

With hundreds of vibrationally-related soul friends in existence, people with a special connection to you are never far away. Your ideal partner or soul mate may be from your own immediate soul group, or from the closest groups to yours, or even from your wider soul family.

Members of this wide family of soul friends often incarnate as people who will be close to you as family members or close friends in the physical world. Think about it: Those really helpful people who were your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or best friends at school were most likely members of your soul group or extended soul family.

Birds of a feather flock together and soul friends team up to share the experience of living in a certain place at a certain time. Imagine the wonderful contrast gained by living among friends at the peak of the Roman civilization, or celebrating nature as Polynesian islanders centuries ago, or living in Western culture today as witnesses to The Shift of the ages. Soul mates and soul friends want to help each other while gaining a wide variety of experiences together.

A true soul friend is never far away.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The living word

The Living Words
by Jim Self Excerpt from the webinar series “How to Enjoy the Shift”

Have you ever noticed how often people say, “I am ----------- (something)…?”
“I am sick।”
“I am uncomfortable।”
“I am tired।”
“I am worn out।”
“I am not okay.”

Statements such as these are generators of energy at a very high level. They act like a magnet, so that whatever you follow “I am…” with is attracted to you exponentially. Every statement you make, “I am fine.” “I am wonderful.” “I may have stuff around me, but it’s not mine.” “Even though I am in the midst of all stuff, I am fine.” If you can begin to create a distinction between the problem and you, you will find that things can go on around you and you don’t have to identify with them, or take them on and become them.

Now, let’s play a game. Close your eyes, be in the center of your head, and remember a time in your past when you had a Happy experience. (If “happy” is too difficult to grab, please try an easier word - perhaps Satisfied or Content.) Take a moment and put yourself right in that Happy moment. See the flower, or the child laughing… hear the joke that somebody made… accept the compliment that someone gave you. Allow yourself to be fully in that experience. Be that word, Happy. Take your time. Get happiness all over you. Roll around in it. Really feeeel it and hear it and taste it. As you allow yourself to be it, notice how much bigger the smile on your face gets. Laughing is acceptable here. Feeeel the happiness. Go back to that experience and feel the feeling all over again. Where does that feeling live in your body? What color is it? Does it have a shape? Just make it up. Pretend to be Happy (or Satisfied or Content). Feeeel it in your body. And breathe.

Now let the thought and memory of the original experience fade from your awareness and still feel the feeling. Notice that the happiness you are feeling right now is a present-time feeling. It’s not a past-time feeling. Isn’t that curious? You had your attention on a past experience, and yet the feeling you are feeling is right NOW. So what does this tell you? It tells you that “Happy” is always here and available. You can be Happy (or any other feeling) without the past experience. Happy is a present-time, right now accessible experience to you at any moment under any circumstance. Happy is always here for you.

Now let’s play with another word. I’d like you to shift your attention and find the feeling of being Certain. Notice how Certain is a different kind of feeling than Happy. In simple terms, you know how to turn the key in your ignition of your car, right? Can you make your car turn on? Are you certain? Do you know it in that, “I-mean-every-time-I-put-the-key-in-and-turn-it-I-know-what-it-is-supposed-to-do” kind of Certain?

Good. I am certain. Now simply feel the feeling of Certain. Take your time and really recognize this energy. Smear it all over you.

You may find that the body needs to move a bit, so if you feel the need to sit up in your chair, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, or extend your chest a little, do so. Then take a breath, and would you right now feel Certain? Where does Certain live in your body? What color is it? Does it have a shape? Just make it up. Pretend to be Certain. Feeeel it in your body. Recognize it. Own the feeling of being Certain and know that nobody can take this away from you now because it is always there; it’s just that sometimes you shift your attention to another vibration.

So, as you are being Certain, would you now, without any movement, also be Happy? Simply find your seat right in the middle of the vibration called Happy. And would you again find your smile? Go ahead, give yourself permission. Nobody can take this away from you and nobody has ever taken it away from you. All we have done is allow others to overshadow who we really are. Now would you simply be Happy, be Certain, and would you notice that there is nothing to apologize for, nothing is broken, nothing needs to be fixed, and there is no challenge? There is no abuse or punishment or threat, I am Certain and I am Happy.

Now as you start to play with and really "get” Happy and Certain, which are just two of many vibrations, there is an opportunity to accelerate your path. These words are the vibrations that you are. These words are the vibrations that you have turned away from in order to play the game of the third dimension. Finding and BEING the vibrations of Certain and Happy (try Appreciation and Gratitude too) is the beginning of your ascension. You are creating a platform that will allow you to observe the third dimension as it simply dissolves and reshapes itself into the fifth dimension.

These are just two of the Living Words and they are a good start to creating a platform to manage your life from. The other Living Words include Powerful (as in Capable), Commanding, Present, Senior (as in owning your Self) and Gracious. These seven words are not random. They have been specifically chosen by the Archangels and other Teachers of Light to assist us in the Shift. They are packed with energy. As you begin to play with these words, you will find yourself able to hold your attention firm and observe all that is going on around you without being distracted and pulled away from your center.

Once you begin to play with the Living Words that feel wonderful no matter what is going on in your life, every experience that you have will be quite different than your previous experiences. Instead of being knocked out of your space by things that are outside of you, you can simply choose to let all insults or distractions or noise pass you by.

All you have to do is find the word that would most graciously uplift the situation that you are encountering. “What platform of words do I want to step into this meeting with?” “What clothing of vibrations do I want to present myself in?” “What single word would I like to replace this ugly feeling with?” Begin simply. The key is to make this real and graspable.

Creating your own set of Living Words and learning to feel them rather than think them, is one of the most important things you can possibly do during this transition. This is not complicated; it’s simply a reconfiguration from the third dimensional way of life to a higher, clearer way of being. It can become a conscious moment-to-moment choice. A way of life that is Happy, Present, Certain, Senior, Powerful, Commanding and Gracious. Your life.