Your April 2011 Forecast
By Cortney Litwin
Forge Ahead and Find Your Creativity
April arrives with a blaze of glory. Multiple Aries conjunctions intensify the energy for daring ideas and groundbreaking projects – a fresh start all around.
What have you been procrastinating about because of lack of passion, focus, drive or courage? Now is the time to dive in and forge a new path. It’s also time to express your individuality through your words, style, originality or creativity.
The only influence reigning in this self-centered vibe is Saturn in relationship-oriented Libra. Multiple Saturn oppositions throughout the month assure that we take other people’s ideas and feelings into consideration. Libra is all about balance and fairness, after all.
But the most intriguing influence currently is Neptune, which makes its debut in Pisces for four months, before backtracking into Aquarius and then re-entering Pisces in February 2012, where it will stay for thirteen years.
Neptune transiting through its own sign will empower all things under its domain, including art, healing and philanthropy. Expect a global spiritual awakening as the planet of oneness and compassion shines a light on suffering throughout the world.
Transit Tales
For most of April, the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries intensify the need to take action and to express your individuality.
In the romance arena, during the first three weeks of April, Venus in Pisces sensitizes relationships and focuses on the spiritual/empathetic connections in romance and friendships. Then from March 20 – May 14, Venus in Aries energizes the passion and spontaneity in romantic encounters.
Planets in Motion
Mercury turns direct on April 23, which will help communications move forward.
Retrograde Pluto from April 9-September 15 can transform your inner life by helping you heal emotional wounds. It can also affect your outer life by changing how you deal with debt and other shared resources.
Retrograde Saturn though June 5 continues to encourage you to evaluate your goals, commitments, relationships.
Lunar Magic
The New Moon in Aries on April 3 brings fresh energy to new projects and self-expression. However, it opposes Saturn in Libra, which reigns in the aggressive energy of Aries by emphasizing relationships, co-operation and fairness.
The Full Moon in Libra energizes shared activities, as well as endeavors that focus on equality or cooperation.
Planetary Highlights
April 1-May 10: Mars in Aries resembles an arrow heading toward a target with great speed and unwavering focus, an influence you can access to accomplish your goals.
April 3: The New Moon in Aries opposing Saturn balances the impulsive, driven energy of the Aries by focusing on equality, fairness and cooperation.
April 3: Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries intensifies daring, impulsiveness and innovation.
April 4-August 3: Neptune makes its debut in Pisces for four months, before backtracking into Aquarius and then reentering Pisces in February 2012, for 13 years. Neptune transiting through its own sign will empower all things under its domain, including art, healing and philanthropy. Expect a spiritual awakening as the planet of oneness and compassion shines a light on suffering throughout the world.
April 6: The Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Aries heightens optimism, courage and faith.
April 9-September 15: Retrograde Pluto favors going inward to excavate and purge troubling emotional issues that keep you stuck, such as resentment, anger, jealousy and powerlessness.
April 9: The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries energizes groundbreaking ideas and discussions.
April 11: Mars square Pluto can prompt daring/dangerous actions based on the need for power or ego gratification, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
April 11: The Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Aries energizes pioneering ideas and discussions, especially those that involve education, travel, culture or spirituality.
April 17: The Full Moon in Libra energizes shared activities, cooperation, compromise and equality.
April 18: Mars opposing Saturn can bring up fears about taking action.
April 19: The Mercury-Mars conjunction in Aries intensifies ideas and discussions about competition, war, defense, bravery or strength.
April 20: The Sun entering Taurus energizes activities that are practical, sensual or environmental.
April 20-May 14: Venus in Aries heightens the passion and impulsiveness in relationships.
April 22: The Venus-Uranus conjunction in Aries can produce electrifying love-at-first-sight scenarios or innovative, artistic inspiration.
April 23: Mercury in Aries turning direct helps with self-expression and untangling communications in general.
April 27: Venus square Pluto can produce extreme reactions in relationships and bring up issues about power, jealousy or money, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
April 27: The Sun trine Pluto strengthens courage and determination.
April 30: Venus opposing Saturn slows down relationships and can bring up issues about commitment, loneliness or money, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
April 30: The Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Aries energizes patriotism, courage and the urge to take action.