A Person is not a thing or a process
but an opening through which the
Absolute can manifest
The Star
By Rosalie Cusumano©
In ancient religions the star symbolizes the guiding light...
It is the universal principle of self-esteem and confidence….
Each of us is a guiding light, a star, an "opening through which the Absolute can manifest".
When we are filled with self doubt we are closed and our light is dim.
We all have aspects of ourselves or things that we have or have not done that we are not proud of, including myself…
Let it go,forgive your self, embrace all of who you are and move on,
taking only the self realizations and lessons you have learned, with you.
You are a Star, a spark, of the Divine, a gateway through which the Absolute can manifest, perfect just as you are.
Believe in yourself…
Leave, inner-, criticism, judgment, and doubt behind.
None are of service to you on your journey forward, not unless you desire them to be.
What have you learned, how you have grown, are you opening up or closing down, are you shining brighter or has your light been diminished. This is what matters.
You control your light. You and you only can choose to shine or to allow the pitfalls of life to diminish your light.
I know that I am here to be of service, not only to the Divine, but to every spark of light, every Star, within the universe of the Divine, whether it shines or is dim.
If I lack self-esteem and confidence how can I be of service to myself or any one else? I can not.
Many have tried to shake my confidence and weaken might light, none have succeeded.
I am a Star, shining bright and strong, eternally expanding, not a thing or a process but an opening through which the Absolute can manifest.
Be radiant and confident with each step you take, leaving behind you a footprint of your light, so you may light the way for others who's Star have dimmed..
Lessons Learned ~ Step away from self-pity
by M. McMahon
We've all helped a friend through a breakup, a fight with their parents, a divorce, a foreclosure ... the list goes on and on. From the outside, it can seem so obvious what lesson is coming, but when it's personal, it's often much more difficult to understand. We feel overwhelmed by our circumstances. It can seem like everyday is a new slap in the face in the forms of painful revelations or unwanted outcomes. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to any of it.
And then the biggie: 'why me?' It's a good question to ask. Why are you being faced with this situation and what can you learn from it? The sooner you can step away from the self-pity and victimization, the faster you can move into an inner serenity that comes from saying, 'I am willing to learn.' Here are some steps to push through to the finish line, so you only have to learn this painful lesson once.
Been here before?
If you are hysterical, chances are the situation is historical. You've come to a familiar painful place, but where did it start? Make a list of precisely when you have felt this pain before. Perhaps you are suffering under an abusive boss. What other times have you felt victimized by someone in power? Reflect back until you find the very first time you can remember feeling this way. Chances are, that's what's really upsetting you. The present situation is rubbing an old wound. In this scenario, you may have wanted your very first abuser to love you. So now, you are hanging on to a job you hate because you are re-enacting that first situation, hoping for a different result. Nothing in the present will ever change the past. This is both painful and freeing because if you can acknowledge the true source of your pain, you are halfway to the healing that awaits you.
What is your part in this?
If you do not accept your part, you will repeat it. And you must be specific. For instance, simply saying, 'If I had known we were going to lose the house, I would have never bought it,' is a cop out. You have to look at your own patterns of leaping into things or refusing to face your own financial reality. Looking for your part may force-feed you a slice of humble pie. Not always easy going down, but humility is crucial to getting out of this painful merry-go-round.
If an apology is in order, make it. If you are not ready to apologize, ask yourself, 'what do I gain by staying in this dynamic?' It's not about manipulating the other parties to accomodate you. It's about your ability to move on from here. By stepping forward, you may be pleasantly surprised that others are relieved to change, too. Though you may break the ice, everyone benefits from the bridge.
Clarity is Freedom
The wonderful thing about walking through a painful situation is that it's your choice whether or not you go through it again. Most of the time, you'll find that there were warning signs at the outset of this painful lesson. If you can isolate when you ignored your intuition, you will unlock the key that will set you free. It's a small nudge, a quickening of the heart. It's a tiny guide deep within that gets quieter each time it is ignored. But if you can see where you turned away, you will beckon it back to you. It gets louder each time we honor it.
If you feel that there were no warning signs at all, look again. Nothing comes from nothing. Perhaps people around you were concerned when you rushed into a new relationship. Though they had compelling reasons for you to take it slow and get to know the person better, you thought, 'I will be the exception.'
Before you move on, take some time to give yourself props for everything you did right. Perhaps you extended patience, kindness and hard work. Perhaps you discovered a hidden talent or new hobby. Just because you lost the house doesn't mean you didn't enjoy painting it! Perhaps you had a rocky relationship with a musician, but the best parts where when you sang together. So take singing lessons!
The situation has as much power as you give it. Take your best assets with you. You're stronger and your experience is deeper and richer because there is no other outcome of growth. The universe wants us to experience love and abundance. Path-correction isn't easy, so tune down the inner critic. Reward yourself for walking through this and take a big breath. Better things are on their way!
Destiny is Variable
by Owen Waters
In the Old Reality, things were seen as opposites - black or
white, hot or cold, good or bad, this way or that way. In the
expanded view of New Reality consciousness, life is seen in a
unified way. Opposite sides of the coin are viewed, not as
polar opposites, but rather as just being different aspects of
the one coin.
In the New Reality view of the world, the opposite extremes of
black and white become, instead, endless shades of gray. Hot
and cold become variable degrees of warmth. Good and bad become
different shades of human nature; free of the judgment, hate
and fear that comes with Old Reality, polarized thinking.
In the Old Reality, destiny and free will were seen as
mutually exclusive. The reasoning was that, if destiny exists,
then it controls everything and, therefore, free will does not
exist. On the other hand, you can prove that free will does
exist by making a choice. So, as the thinking goes, if free
will does exist, then there can be no destiny.
But, wait. Perhaps that choice of "free will" was really a
pre-destined one. Perhaps the person was destined to make that
choice all long, so the experience of choice was just an
illusion. At this point, people usually give up on the whole
question because it has turned into one of those brain teasers,
like asking which came first - the chicken or the egg.
Brain teasers keep your mind in an endless loop until you try
stepping back from the situation and seeing it in a wider
perspective. The new, wider perspective allows for the
inclusion of non-materialistic factors. In deciding whether the
chicken or the egg came first, for example, you just have to
step back and see that the Creator designed the chicken to be
When you step back and see destiny and free will from a wider
perspective, you realize that nothing has to be absolute. If
every event in your life were pre-ordained, there would be no
such thing as free will or self-determination. As we do have
free will, destiny cannot be fixed.
Destiny is therefore variable, not fixed. Destiny and free
will both exist as interwoven facets of your life. Like threads
in a tapestry, they interact with each other and blend to form
the outcomes that are the events in your life.
Your destiny is created by plans that you made at a soul level
of consciousness. Before you were born, you made your main plan
for this life. Then, the minute you were born, the rules of the
game demanded that you also get a case of amnesia about the
whole arrangement. Such is the game of life in the physical
However, at night when you go to sleep, you have the chance to
visit the deepest levels of human consciousness and review how
the original plan is unfolding and make changes to your plan if
desired. When you return to your physical body and awake in the
morning, amnesia strikes again. Within seconds of your
conscious mind returning into your physical brain, you forget
both the surface dreams and the deep experiences of the night.
Amnesia may be a part of the game we are playing in this life,
but inner guidance is always is always available to anyone who
pays attention to it. Your intuition is your link to your soul,
or inner being, which is also linked to the rest of the
universe and all levels of Creation.
You are never left alone to fumble in the darkness of a purely
physical life. Your inner being is always there with you,
expressing itself through the quiet whisperings of intuitive
information. Thanks to this inner compass of knowing, you can
always sense which choice feels right. You can always tell when
your life is running on plan, and you can tell equally well if
you've become temporarily distracted from your plan. You always
have the means to be right on course, or get back on course,
and explore the fascinating themes that make up your life plan.
The most productive use of free will is to explore your true
potential within the themes of your life, thus gaining the
greatest possible experience from your life plan.
Destiny is an influence that comes from your inner plan. There
is nothing absolute about your destiny. It's a pressure which
constantly seeks the best route to unfold into manifestation.
Free will provides the means to manifest that destiny in a way
that provides the learning that you came here to acquire in
this life.
Destiny is variable. It adapts to the circumstances of your
life every second of the day. As destiny unfolds, you feel it
within as a sense of being a part of the flow of life, of
manifesting your potential in the way that you planned for this
day and that you planned for this life.
Destiny is the plan. Free will is the action. Experience is
the result.
That's what being human is all about.
Make a Life
~Neale Donald Walsch
The point of your activities throughout the day is not to
make a living, but to make a life; not to 'work' but to
create joy. If you are doing what you are doing merely
to 'pay the bills,' you will have missed the major reason
for All Of Life.
The purpose of life is to know and express Who You
Are. If you do other than that during the days and times
of your life, you will have not used those days and times
in a way that profits your soul. It is soul profit we are
after here, not body profit.
This first week of the New Year is a good time to
contemplate that, yes?
Abundance -- Infinite Possibilities
By Theresa Crabtree
Scientists are beginning to discover what indigenous elders have known since antiquity. In the "ethers," there are tiny particles of no-thing-ness that at any moment can be activated and manifested into any-thing your heart desires! Once you have a true grasp that all literally is One, then you will better understand how to use this Oneness to create heaven on earth.
Due to the nature of "free will," many things labeled as "negative" have been allowed to happen from the beginning of the universe, for all is a grand experiment. Could there truly be "free will" if you are not allowed to experience the "bad" as well as the "good?" Like children, you learn that if you touch fire, you get burnt. After you have that understanding, you may then choose to not touch the fire again. However, when you have fuller understanding of the workings of the universe, you will learn that you can walk on fire and not get burnt! This is true for all things.
There is never only one solution to a problem; there are myriads of possibilities. However, when you are close-minded or lack the courage to think "out of the box," you limit yourself. Pay closer attention to the people and events that occur in your life. Watch for coincidences and synchronicities, especially after you have made a fervent request for something to occur.
Have the courage to take the steps to reach your highest goals. Take into account what is in your highest good and the good for all. You have experienced many "bad" things and are deserving of far more than you may currently allow yourself.
When you gain the ability to live the life of your dreams and say "no" to the things that take up your time, energy and money, you will have more time and resources available for recreation, art, music and all those things you love.
Spend quiet time each day reflecting on your life and practice those skills that bring a sense of peace and joy to you. Know that you may experience moments of unrest as you begin to realize that you are fully responsible for the current situations in your life. What joy you will experience as you release the fears and habits that have kept you captive for so long!
Learn to release the angst you feel toward others and come to the understanding that each of you is doing the best you can in every moment. In this new beginning, you will start with the knowledge of the full abundance available to you in all aspects of your life. Your passion will surpass anything you have thus far experienced on earth as each of you works together to support and encourage one another.